Repeat Prescriptions
You may need to take medicines regularly for your health.
When your health is stable, the doctor may advise that you can have a prescription on a repeat basis without the need to be seen in clinic every month.
Only medicines agreed by the doctor can be given by repeat prescription.
In order to provide a safe and efficient repeat prescription system we use a computer that records which medicines are authorised for each patient and each time they are prescribed.
All medicines given on repeat prescription need to be reviewed to check that you still need to take them.
This will usually take place when you have a review of your health.
Please be prepared to come to the surgery for a review of repeat prescriptions at the doctor’s request.
Ordering Your Repeat Prescription
We would encourage all patients to use SystmOnline to order their medication.
This links directly with our clinical system and also allows you to book appointments, see test results and access other parts of your medical record.
Please see ‘Online Services‘ for full details.
We do not accept telephone requests for repeat prescriptions.
It takes 48 hours for us to process and check your repeat prescription, those ordered on a Friday will be available after 4pm on Tuesday.
If requests for other medication are added then please allow 72 hours for the prescription to be completed.
If you are ordering your medication early then please let us know the reason.