Expert Patient Programme
Who is the course for?
Anyone who has a chronic or longterm health condition or illness who wishes to learn skills for controlling and improving their health. Where will I have to go? All the courses are held locally and you will be given more details when you register.
What will I learn?
- Ways to manage your symptoms and improve how you feel
- Relaxation
- Better breathing
- Healthy eating and nutrition
- Exercise, how to build your level of fitness, flexibility and strength
- Dealing with anger, fear, frustration, isolation, fatigue and depression
- Using problem-solving skills in your daily life
- Making informed choices
- How to make plans that work for you
- Working with your health care professionals such as GPs and district nurses
How will the course help me?
Most people who have attended the courses have found them to be very enjoyable. The courses have helped people to look at their health conditions in other ways and improve their quality of life.
What will I have to do?
You will take part in group discussions or activities and individual exercises.
How often will I have to come?
Once a week for 2.5 hours for 6 weeks.
For further information about a course in your area contact:
Susan Bateman,
Expert Patients Programme Co-ordinator
Kirklees PCT: tel: 01924 351431
e-mail: [email protected]
Looking After Me Course
Are you a carer who looks after a family member, partner or neighbour in need of help because they are ill, frail or have a disability – or a parent of a child with a disability or care for someone with a drug or alcohol problem?
If yes, then the Looking After Me course could be for you.
Looking After Me is a course for adults who care for someone living with a long term health condition or disability.
As its name implies, the course is about your making time to look after your own health needs.
It aims to help you to take more control of your situation and make a difference to your life.
For details contact:
Farah Haq,
Carers Support Worker
Carers Gateway
Tel: 01484 226050
e-mail: [email protected]
Health Trainers
Do you suffer from a long term health condition?
Would you like extra support and resources about your condition?
If YES then you need a health trainer.
The health trainer aims to give you the personal support to help you be as independent as possible.
The health trainer can help you:
- to improve you diet
- to increase your physical activity
- stop smoking
- improve you mental health and well-being
- by providing ante-natal and post-natal support where necessary
- to drink sensibly
- manage the impact of your condition
Please ring 01924 816176 for more details
MEND is an exciting opportunity available to children in Kirklees, and is part of a nationwide project created to make a positive impact on children who are overweight and their families.
MEND is aimed at children aged between 7 and 13 and stands for Mind, Exercise, Nutrition, Do it!
The programme encourages children and their families to change unhealthy attitudes to food and eating, to empower them to make informed food choices and to exercise on a regular basis.
The MEND programme comprises of 18, two hour sessions over 9 weeks.
The sessions feature an hour of discussion alternating between mind and nutrition topics and an hour of fun land or water based exercise.
A parent of guardian must accompany their child each time they attend a MEND session but only need attend the theory section.
MEND provides practical, fun learning and is delivered to sustain improvements in families’ diets, fitness levels and overall health.
By following the MEND principles, participants will lose weight naturally thereby building a foundation for healthy living – for life.
If you require any further information about MEND please contact Emma Schofield on 01484 234096 or email [email protected].